Join us for the Autism Health Summit 2024!

Join us for the Autism Health Summit Feb. 2024!

Join hundreds of parents and experts to learn about the most recent developments in autism research, treatment options, therapies, and more. Whether your child is recently diagnosed or you have years of experience, you will walk away from the conference with a plan for the next steps in your autism journey. Booth and table space for the event is limited, so please contact us for more information: 

Autism Health Summit is a parent-driven two-day conference committed to addressing all aspects of autism, with presentations covering a wide range of topics related to healing the underlying conditions associated with autism and other neurological disorders. AHS assists parents who seek answers to concerns about their child’s diagnosis, including options for alternative medicine, nutrition, schooling, therapies, and more. Because there is no medical cure for autism, many parents turn to biomedical treatments and therapies. Most of these treatments are low-risk, and some have the potential to be life-changing. AHS can connect you with a wide range of resources, such as doctors, specialists, medical professionals, and other parents who have successfully experienced improvements in their children’s symptoms.

You will hear from some of the best speakers in the industry such as Del Bigtree, Mikki Willis, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. James Neuenschwander, Dr. Jerry Kartzinel, and so many more.

Click here for more information on the AHS Conference. Hope to see you all there! Thank you!