Action steps

  1. Use our advocacy action center to email and tweet legislators to support or oppose the following bills.

  2. Submit your letter of opposition or support to the legislative portal. Click here on how to submit a letter to legislative portal.

  3. Call the committee members to voice your stance on each bill.

  4. Get 10 other people to do the same.


ACA 9- Superintendent of Public Instruction: gubernatorial appointment.

This bill will turn the State Superintendent position to one that is appointed by the Governor, making it a partisan seat. It is currently a nonpartisan seat chosen by vote in a gubernatorial election.

Read the bill here:  https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240ACA9

Reasons to oppose:

-An elected position should stay an elected position.

-The State Superintendent of Public Schools should be nonpartisan. If appointed by the Governor, there is susceptibility the appointed person would make partisan decisions for the public schools.

-An appointed official will act on behalf of the person who appoints them, whereas a person elected by the people will act on behalf of the people.

Status: Assembly Education Committee - 04/27/23 In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.

AB-659 - Cancer Prevention Act.

On Monday, May 22 AB 659 author took up the bill on the Assembly floor for purposes of amendments. The bill has been sent back to second reading with the adopted amendments and will be back on the Assembly Third Reading file Thursday or Friday the 26th at the latest. The Assembly will be in floor session all day Thursday and Friday this week so it is likely that AB 659 will be taken up before the week’s end.

*If passed by the Assembly (41 votes needed), AB 659 will move to the state Senate. The Senate Rules will then make a referral out to a Senate policy committee likely the Senate Health Committee. Under that scenario, we would expect a Senate policy committee hearing sometime between mid-June to mid July. Possibly sooner.

Status: Assembly Floor ordered to 3rd reading. As early as May 22

AB-665- Minors: consent to mental health services.

Status: Sen Judiciary Committee No date yet

AB-1078 - Instructional materials: removing instructional materials and curriculum: diversity.

In addition to proposing a top-down mandate for approving and changing instructional materials, AB 1078 also intends to "revise the list of culturally and racially diverse groups to instead include materials that accurately portray the contributions of people of all gender expressions and the role and contributions of LGBTQ+ Americans." This effectively creates a layer of ideological hijacking by state bureaucracy. Local control, through which local educational agencies and community stakeholders such as parents and taxpayers make key decisions for local schooling, is a fundamental principle of American public education and an important cornerstone of our liberal democracy. To give the State Department of Education overarching power to approve, modify and veto curricular changes is both unprecedented and dangerous."

Status: Assembly Floor Read second time. Ordered to third reading. As early at May 22.

AB-1090 - County officers: sheriffs. Now a 2 year bill.

Status: 05/03/23 In Assembly L. GOV. committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.


Positive Parenting Awareness Month.

Status: "Chaptered by Secretary of State - Res. Chapter 37, Statutes of 2023."


Student privacy: online personal information.

Status: Assembly-In Committee Process-Education


Curriculum: right to examine.

Status: Assembly Appropriations - In committee: Held under submission.

AB-1023 - California Cybersecurity Integration Center: school cybersecurity.

Status: In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment.

SB-16- Civil rights: discrimination: enforcement.

This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2025, also specify that nothing in the act shall be construed to limit or restrict efforts by local entities to enforce state law prohibiting discrimination against classes of persons covered by the act in employment and housing, provided that the enforcement complies with regulations governing local enforcement of the act that the bill would require the Civil Rights Department to promulgate by____. The bill would require those regulations, at a minimum, to ensure consistent application of employment and housing discrimination laws across the state, protect complainants against inadvertent loss of federal or state legal claims, avoid duplication of investigatory work, and minimize any possible loss of federal funding for the Civil Rights Department’s work.

Status: Senate Floor Sen 2nd Reading - Sen Bills 05-22-2023 #6

SB-291- Pupil rights: recess.

Commencing with the 2024–25 school year, elementary schools shall provide a daily recess period of at least 30 minutes.

Status: Senate Floor Sen 2nd Reading - Sen Bills 05-22-2023 #37

SB-292 - Education expenses: Education Savings Account Act of 2024.

Senate- Did not pass. After the hearing, Senator Grove vowed to bring the bill back next year — potentially as a pilot program for California’s worst performing schools.

Watch the discussion of SB 292 hearing here which begins at the 17-minute mark.

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